Thermi (KEDEK)  -  23:00, 
Alt: 74m | 40.56°N, 22.99°E | Hardware: Davis VP2
Thermi (KEDEK)
Alt: 74m | 40.56°N, 22.99°E
Hardware: Davis VP2
Live Weather Conditions
20.2 ℃
Max 25.1 ℃ | at 17:05
Min 17.4 ℃ | at 10:35
79 %
Max 89 % | at 10:43
Min 61 % | at 17:03
Dew Point
16.5 ℃
Max 18.3 ℃ | at 13:22
Min 15.0 ℃ | at  2:50
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
0.9 km/h
Max Gust
7.6 km/h | at 15:23
1011.0 hPa
Max 1011.7 hPa | at 10:26
Min 1008.4 hPa | at  2:25
Current Rain Rate
0.0 mm/hr
Max 24.8 | at 10:15
Today's Rain4.4 mm
Storm Total4.4 mm
Monthly Rain21.4 mm
Yearly Rain312.2 mm
Solar Radiation
0 W/m2
Max 1155 W/m2 | at 12:45
Sunrise:  5:57
Sunset: 21:00
Wind Chill  Wind chill is a calculated temperature that takes into account how the speed of the wind affects our perception of the air temperature.

20.2 ℃

Min 20.2 ℃ | at 10:35

THW Index  THW is a calculated index that uses humidity and temperature like for the Heat Index, but also includes the heating effects of sunshine and the cooling effects of wind (like Wind Chill) to calculate an apparent temperature of what it "feels" like out in the shade.

20.9 ℃

Heat Index  Heat index is a calculated temperature that uses temperature and the relative humidity to determine how hot the air actually "feels".

20.9 ℃

Max 25.6 ℃ | at 17:00

24-hour graphs